This week: more gouache #art365 landscapes.
morning tracks, gouache, 4" x 4" |
my famous prairie, gouache, 4" x 6" |
more, gouache, 4" x 4" |
morning light, gouache, 4" x 6" |
north highland was painted at Studio 659's LIVE ART event. The show will be up all month and also includes winter prairie.
north highland, gouache, 4" x 6" |
snowfall three cypresses, gouache, 4" x 6" |
pine and cypress, gouache, 4" x 6" |
In other news, consideration and before were both accepted in the re-eMergence winter show at Merge. They will be delivered this week. Show opens on the 21st. And I really need to clean my studio, because I want to get back to big work.